Saturday 19 March 2016

Bizarre Strategy, 100% Win

Related to clan weight that I wrote yesterday, here I come up with unique, bizarre and insanely sounded strategy that will give 100% win.

First, you need to have team of early TH10 that didnt have any Inferno Tower yet. You can have as many TH10 you can. The more TH10 you have, he higher the chance of winning.

Second, search a war. Your opponent will be determined by clan weight as usual. So, you should expect the same amount of TH10 that you have. If your clan have 30 TH10 in 30v30 war. Your opponent should have the same amount of TH10. Lets just assume everything is the same including how both clan will attack. This means both clan have similar stars. Normally, since each TH10 in each clan didnt have Inferno Tower, lets assume each TH10 can 3 stars their mirror. So, every TH10 can be 3 star by their attackers. Both clans should get 90 stars.

Third, during preparation day, each TH10 of your clan build 1 Inferno Tower at cost 5M gold. If each of you can build 2 Inferno Tower, the chance of winning double.

Fourth, edit your war base which now should include Inferno Tower. Interesting to note, each building under construction should be fully functioned. Although in normal village, your Inferno Tower under construction, this Inferno Tower already completed in war base. So, can you guess what happen next?

Fifth, during battle day, attack as usual. All of you can 3 stars all TH10. So, your clan get 90 stars. What happen to your opponent clan? They will not get 3 stars. Some might be able to 3 stars. But the chance of getting 3 stars will be slimmer as each base of your clan now have Inferno Tower. That is why if each of you build 2 Inferno Tower, the chance of they getting 3 stars ever slimmer. In most case, TH10 with 2 Inferno Towers can only be 2 stars. So, your clan win.

Sixth, after war ended. All of you should sell this Inferno Tower and get refund 50%.

Seventh, start new war. Your clan should be matched up with similar clan weight. Since your clan dont have Inferno Tower anymore, your clan should be fighting with similar weight clan aka with no Inferno Tower like second steps above.

Eight, follow step 3 and you can do this how many times you want. Clan will win 100% assuming your opponent did not use this strategy. Each war u will be winning about 1M gold, 1M elixir and 3K dark elixir at the cost of at least 2.5M gold. This sound not a lot. But imagine that you now be able to determine yourself the outcome of your own war. Plus, if you create new clan. This clan can be easily be level 10 clan. You also will be famous as the one who executing this bizarre strategy.

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