Wednesday 23 March 2016

Living as Witch Doctor Part 4

Part 4 (Creating Clan and become the Leader) 
After left Malaysian Fire, I think I did join few random clans. Non can I remembered as I dont think I stay for long time in one clan. Then, I decide to become the Leader myself, proposing and executing my own rules. At this stage, I am still rookie without having much knowledge about COC or having high level troops. But I do remember my Giant and Hog are quite strong. My Giant probably at least level 5 and my Hog at least level 4. At that time, Giant max at level 6 and Hog max at level 5. Perhaps these two troops are the important asset of my leadership quality. I donate a lot Giant and Hog, helping many new players to survive early stage of COC. Among clan that I created is Anarki, Malaysia, spr & mar. Others I cant tell or cant remember. Yes, I created few before I create Conspiracy. All my clan considered as successful as I can attract other player to join in just a few days. This is not an easy task as people will not join newly created clan with low level players. I work hard to bringing up all my clans like inviting all available players in Global. Then, I lowered my trophies to the minimum so I can invite any player in the league who still dont have clan. Then, for each enemy I attack, I also will invite if he/she doesn't belong to any clan. I use any possible way to invite and attract players to join me.

I consider Conspiracy as my first official clan mostly because I spend more time here and creating legacies. I also know many member in person such as Cool, Rambo, Chulhi and Thuyhu. Although I am better than them, but we are still low level player. I think Cool was level 30+ when join. She might be at most TH4. Thuyhu was the best player that join me. He probably at least TH7. He is very active like me. So, we working hard bringing this clan into comfortable level. Slowly Conspiracy becoming strong without the help of high level players. This is the reason why my love towards Conspiracy is deep.

At Conspiracy, I also develop rules and order which make this clan strong. This rules and order become the pillar of any rules I made after including rules at CS. Among the rules are the emphasis of powerful and undisputed leader, how to do donation/request, compulsory of war, and no right of rejoin. As you recalled in Part 3, I said the reason why I not allow level request because it hurt my dignity. Now at Conspiracy, I refine the reason by saying leveled request will not benefit teamwork. Since I achieved max level Giant and Hog, everyone will request level to get it and I am the only one can donate. This will not benefit teamwork. People should help each other and willing to learn how to share and appreciate. So, it is not so much because of dignity anymore rather than improving team work. During this era, this rule was so important as anyone request level or anything meaning level will be kicked automatically. I recalled I kick many higher level player (even higher than me) because of this rule. There is no doubt in me that I made a right decision. Teamwork is the most important.

Interestingly enough, this rule change a bit during KuKAW/CS era as I do allow leveled request. I am not sure who trigger me to change it but Ariana probably among the one who constantly criticize or commenting my rules or leadership. The idea is this, if I keep kicking top player, clan will not grow. Top player usually request leveled troops because they engaging tough opponent thus need better troop. As a compromise, I amend this rule a bit what I called "Request what you want, donate what people one" policy. Instantly, this rule also apply to KuKAW. Well, if I my calculation is right, this rule change during my stay at KuKAW; during the rebuilding phase of it. Of course at that time I already planned my puppet in CS to run this clan from shadow.

Back to Conspiracy, I become leader there for some time. We achieve many great things. We also made friends. I trusting my charismatic leadership with a strong believe in my clanmates that enable me to handling clan affair to others.I dont just rules them. I also create new leader. This give me satisfaction too. Thats why I easily give leadership to Cool. She at that time is very low level player. There are many top level player who actively contributing to clan. But, I always train the one I consider as trusty with high leadership quality. For me, leadership quality and charismatic is the same thing; able to rally people or persuade people to follow order. Beside that, leader must always active to handle clan affair. This is management. You dont need to be a high level player to be leader of any of my clans. I just prove that I dont need to be high level player with high level troop to be leader. I also dont need high level players to join my clan. Now you know everyone can join our clan. Because we dont need high level player. What we need a teamwork that will come at any level player. We should allow and give chance to anyone to join us. Now, all my clans at high level. I build these clans from scratch. Some, I rebuilt again after some damages with the same rules and orders that seem odd at first.

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