Sunday 13 March 2016

WitchDoctor910: Day 4 (The Mechanics of Obstacles)

There is not much to say about Day 4 regarding my village progress. After last war that we won, I just continue with upgrades. Frankly, TH4 is not that significant as I cant upgrade Barbarian, Archer or Goblin. I still can upgrade Giant, Wall Breaker and Balloon though. So, I decide to go for TH5 immediately. Not that immediately. I will having some war experience at TH4 and upgrade all storages and troop level available so it could be handy when I reach TH5 later. I also decide to clear my village from obstacles or rubbish that appeared as trees, mushrooms and stones apparently. This will enable me to get my 3rd builder. So, my mission 5 will be getting the 3rd builder.

Mission 5: Getting 3rd Builder.

The Facts
According to, each obstacle that is removed will yield 0-6 Gems. The distribution is not random and follows the following repeating sequence of 6, 0, 4, 5, 1, 3, 2, 0, 0, 5, 1, 0, 3, 4, 0, 0, 5, 0, 1, 0. 

This of course not include Gem Box that give us 25 gems.
Wikia also notes that vegetation respawn at a rate of one item per eight hours, except if all the spaces in your village are totally filled. Furthermore, an obstacle will only spawn if there is a 1-tile buffer zone between the spaces in which it will spawn and another building or obstacle.

Third point to note is you can only have 1 gem box at any time in a village. Fourth, your village can have a maximum of 40 obstacles at one time. These 4 points are very important because knowing these facts you should;
i. Clear all obstacle as soon as possible as there is no benefit of waiting and there are many harms too. If you clear early, you get gems early thus the 3rd builder early. Some more, you can utilise all village spaces that were blocking your buildings placement before. If you keep these obstacles, the new one will not respawn easily. If you having 40 obstacle, new obstacle will not respawn at all. In theory, if you don’t have 1-tile space between buildings or obstacles, new obstacle will not respawn either. So, you could have less than 40 obstacles but new obstacle will not respawn.
ii. Gems Box should not be a decorative or any other function. You need to remove it as soon it appears because only 1 Gems Box will appear at one time. The longer you keep, the longer the next Gems Box appears thus reduce the rate you will get that extra 25 gems.

My Mistake
I actually did mistake on this. The first thing I should do is to clear obstacles. I actually know these facts before but I just too focus on upgrading buildings. Also, clearing obstacle need you to having resources which considered very significant considering your storages' capacity. Be that as it may, I think upgrading buildings are much more important, less raid demanding and require less time playing. So, at that time, my decision is the best. Only today when I think back, and admitted that I did mistake. I should just removing obstacles, get gems and get my 3rd builder. Having my 3rd builder is incredibly advantaging me outweigh the undesirables situation I mention earlier.  

Past memories...
During my first year of playing COC, I have theory that I should only remove few obstacles a day. The idea is I thought removing the preceding obstacle will reduce the chance of having gems. If I remove the first one, I might get 5 gems. If I remove the 2nd, the chance of getting 5 gems will reduce. The chance will continue to decrease as I remove the preceding obstacles. Well, my theory is half true actually as according the real mechanic if I get 5 gems, I will only get the next 5 gems after removing 6 obstacles after the first 5 gems. My actions however does not affecting much as long I remove obstacles each day as they will respwan again and I steadily get gems. Point taken here, learning these facts, you should remove obstacles including gems to get more gems and increasingly at higher rate.  

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