Monday 14 March 2016

WitchDoctor910: Day 6 (2nd Relaxation)

Starting Day 6, I am no mood of playing COC or maybe I am sleeping when TH4 is completed. So, the engines only starts hours later when I upgrade Laboratory Level 2 and Clan Castle Level 2 which is my Mission 2. After that, I working on my 3rd Barrack upgrading continuously to match up the other 2 Barracks. For today, 3rd Barrack only reaches Level 3. I also set up 2 Spring Traps and build new available buildings like Archer Tower, Air Defense, Collectors and Mines. Ah, Iove when I see my Air Defense. Without Air Defense, my village will be too susceptible to Balloons like what I did to my enemieS. I also upgrade my Giant Level 2 today. So, Day 6 full of upgrades.

Some Insight about TH4
TH4 is not that significant in term of offensive. As Goblin or Archer Level 3 are not yet available. However, TH4 does allow other cool stuff like CC Level 2 and tons of defenses. I also think TH4 is the transition stage in term of capacity of upgrade. This is because, the upgrades available is just enough with builders you have assuming you have 2 builders. You also can upgrade 3 troops which are Giant Level 2, Wall Breaker Level 2 and Balloon Level 2. These upgrade just enough where you can fully utilize your Laboratory, Builders and time. At TH5, you will feel that you need more time and more Builders. You can’t rush upgrades as upgrade need more resources and took more time to be completed. Also, upgrades available increase exponentially. You can do all immediately yet you have the feeling to have them fast like previous TH. So, TH4 is kinda a checkpoint that you can relax before endless journey starting with TH5.

My progress on TH4 is good though. Not much obstacles although I don’t have 3rd Builder yet. This is because TH4 is not that demanding as mention above. I am also preparing for next war as I upgrading my Army Camp Level 2. Until I reach TH5, I will just enjoying TH4 like it intended to be.  

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