Sunday 13 March 2016

Explanation about MC

To date, you have seen few reports that have been published by CEB. Some of you might be wondering about them. Some might still confuse what is CEB and what is MC means. This article will help you to understand them better. For starter, you are recommended to read article Cikgu Suraya Examination Board.

To summarize, CEB is a body that oversees clan performances. MC is the acknowledgement statement about your performance. For example, Nirmal is MC8 which means he is master of TH8; capable of defeating any TH8 in clan war.

Who is evaluating Nirmal’s performance and why this evaluation was done? Currently, CEB is the body that evaluates performances. CEB is headed by Witch Doctor. Witch Doctor is self-proclaimed MC9. Any MC9 or higher can evaluate performances and report to CEB. However, any MC9 cannot evaluate someone who applies for MC10 or MC11. The only way MC10 and MC11 can be evaluated is by Witch Doctor himself. Evaluation is done to test your capabilities or to acknowledge performance. There is no reward or special privileges for those who gain MC.

To be evaluated, you need to apply. You can drop any comment in this blog noting Witch Doctor about your intention. Assessment will be conducted immediately after. First, a preliminary report will be issued that give details about your biography and performance. When assessment is complete, you will be given the result accordingly. Only successful application will be reported. Report comes in 2 formats. First, the Master Certificate which show summary, biography and Rebel&Relax chart.

Diagram 1. Nirmal's MC

Summary is a short statements about you. Primarily, summary will encompass your leadership quality, your strength and weaknesses. Bio (biography) is evaluation of your attack, defense, skill, strategy and analyse. This is done by the examiner. Attack is your overall performance in war attack or how powerful your attack. If you overkill in war attack, you will get high point up to 200 point. For example, Nirmal attack point is 180/200. This is because his Dragon attack overkill TH8. If he apply for MC9, the same attack will not give high point as that attack certainly will not overkill. So, every player can get high point because the system depend on your attack on that particular TH level. Nirmal's Dragon is Level 3 while Ikanduri's Dragon is Level 4. Attack point for Ikanduri not necessarily higher than Nirmal because attack point is evaluated base on how attack was executed during war.

Second parameter is defense. Defense is how your base is defended. In most cases, high defenses building and good layout village will give high point. TH rusher like Nirmal and Ikanduri will get low defense point as they cant defend well. They will be targeted by better enemy because they are at higher TH. Therefore, their defense point cannot be high as compare to more solid defender like Aman.

Attack, skill, strategy and analysis are related to each other and assessed solely base on war attack. Analyse is the ability to think the best strategy in order to give the best outcomes to clan overall. Strategy is what strategy is used specifically on each attack. Skill is how that strategy is executed. The outcome is the attack itself. Analyse is different from strategy because it look the war in general like who to attack and when to attack. Nirmal is a very calculative and analyzer because he know what enemy to attack to give the best result to clan. He will not attack just for loot or practice. In order to analyse properly, he also need to look at clan overall such who should attack whom. This attribute give Nirmal the highest point for analyse.

Strategy involve what strategy to use specifically  on each base. This quality is important to give best possible result on each attack. Knowing what strategy is the best for each base, increase the chance of winning and reducing the chance of not getting 3 stars. In our clan, getting 3 stars is the utmost important task. For example, knowing one particular base have X-Bow set on ground will give advantage to Dragon attack or other air attack strategy. In Dragon attack, knowing which AD should be lightning is crucial as well. Bringing the best spells into war also demonstrate the ability to recognize the best strategy to use. Random attack or attack with no seen strategy will give lower point.

Lastly is the skill or how you execute the strategy you planned earlier. For example, if your strategy is to use Lightning on AD, you should be able to execute it well. The best skill is to zooming AD and drop Lightning at center. Demonstration of this techniques will give high point for skill. Putting spells at correct place at correct time is also example of high skill. This is how CEB define or determine your bio attributes point. The higher you demonstrates this quality, the higher the point you will be awarded.
As for Rebel&Relax, you can read the detail on WitchDoctor910: Day 1 (Before you Begin)

Now, come to the report detail.  First, it give information about you like name, TH level, troops, spells, war stars won, all time best, eldership, application date, MC application and progress as below;
Full Report
TH: L9
Troops: 7004454455231221
Spells: 5551121
War Stars Won: 309
All Time Best: 1613
Eldership: Co-Leader
Application Date: 10032016
MC Application: 8
Progress: Completed (12032016)

For TH, each village will be divided into 3 level which are low (L), mid (M) and high (H). L9 simply means low TH9. Nirmal base is consider as low TH9. Read on Cikgu Suraya ExaminationBoard. For troops, the code is actually the list of your troops' level that you having. For example, if you have level 7 Barbarian King and no Archer Queen or Grand Wonder, your first 3 digit is 700. You can figure out the rest. Like troops, spells tell you about your spells; level. If you having level 5 Lightning, level 5 Heal and level 5 Rage, the code start with 555. You can figure out the rest. As for other details, its pretty straight forward except MC application and progress. MC application is what TH level you will assessed for your MC. This will be determined by examiner according to your progress. Progress will show "ongoing" or "completed" according to your progress in this evaluation. To complete MC evaluation, you need to successfully attack 3 max (high) TH of MC you apply or determined. If you attack 3 max TH8 with all sucess of 3 stars, you will be awarded MC8 and your progress will show "completed."

Next is war attack progress. This will show all recorded attack you executed. "Last" means the last attack you did. "2" means the second last and so on. Level is the level of enemy bases you attack. For MC, only max/high (H) bases will be counted. Status will give information whether that attack is counted or not. "C" is counted, "NC" not counted, "SNC" is success but not counted, "F" is failed and "X" is not attack.  
War Attack
Seq                Level            Status
Last                H8               C
2                     L9               NC
3                     L9               NC
4                     H8               C
5                     H8               C
6                     M8               SNC
7                     M8               SNC

As you can see above, Nirmal have 3 "C" which means he completed MC. The first high TH8 he attacked was sequence 5 (last 5th attack) and the 2nd after that. He get 3 stars for both attack so both attack is designated as "C". IF he failed to get 3 stars, the status will be "F" and his MC evaluation is failed and no MC is awarded for this application. On 3rd last attack, Nirmal attack TH9. Since this is above TH8, it will not be counted regardless the result of that attacks. What happen if he attack low TH8, mid TH8 or any other TH below TH8? If he get 3 stars, the result will not be counted. However, if he failed to get 3 stars, the result will be designated as "F" thus failing his MC test.

For BIO, this already be explained above. "Dragon" on attack column means indicate that Dragon attack is his best strategy. "L8" is high defense which is low TH8. Sometime, you will see "L8R7". What this code indicate is that player is low TH8 but having defenses like TH7 which is TH rusher.  
Attack            Dragon          180/200                           
Defense          L8                 60/200
Skill               High              150/200
Strategy          Medium         100/200
Analysis          High             200/200

The final part listed strength, weakness and recommendation. This evaluation solely base on examiner judgment. You should read and take it if you agree and willing to improve or you can leave it if you think it is not true and not necessary.

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