Thursday 31 March 2016

Understanding Tiles and Earthquake Spell Impact

We already talked about Lightning+Earthquake Combo (LEC) and Lightning+Lightning Combo (LLC) in article Lightning Earthquake Combo. Last part of this article specifically touch on spells manipulation in order to use lesser amount of spells to achieve the same goals. I will use our current war versus Iran clan to demonstrate this. What happen is Ikanduri attack #7 which happen to have AD7. In theory, AD7 can only be destroyed by LEC if Ikanduri have at least L5 and EQ3. If he got EQ3 from CC, he still need another EQ3 to destroy another AD7. Since he only got EQ1 and EQ2 (CC), it is not impossible to destroy both AD7. By standard technique, Ikanduri's L5 cant destroy these AD7 using LEC.

However, since #7 have very close AD7 location, manipulation technique can be used that enable 2EQ1 together with 4L5 to destroy both AD7. In order to learn this technique, you should understand tiles and EQ impact. Basically, tiles is size. We measure our village using tiles. Our village size is 44x44 tiles square or 44 tiles width x 44 tiles length. Each building have different size that measured in tiles. For example, Town Hall is 4x4. Most buildings like AD is 3x3.  

Diagram 1. #7 without tiles guide

Diagram 2. #7 with tiles guide

Like many spells, EQ effecting certain radius that also measured by tiles. EQ will effecting area with 4 tiles radius. So, we basically can see this will impact on 8 tiles area as shown in Diagram 3.

Diagram 3. Earthquake Spell Radius and distance between two AD7

Diagram 4. EQ impact on 1AD in normal LEC

Normally in LEC where you targeting only 1 AD, the impact of EQ is shown in Diagram 4. Since the distance between AD7 is 4 tiles, you can manipulate EQ so the impact will cover and destroy both AD. In this way, you can bring less EQ or you can destroy high level AD with low level Lightning. It is impossible for 2L5+1EQ1 to destroy 1AD7. But if 2EQ1 are used together, damage done will  be a lot higher. So, 2L5 on first AD7, 2L5 on second AD7, and 2EQ1 on both AD7 will destroy both AD7. As shown in Diagram 5, placing both EQ in between both AD will impact both AD. So, damage done is almost double and enough to destroy AD7.

  Diagram 5. 1EQ can impact both AD  if placing in between

This is very advance technique that manipulate understanding of tiles and EQ impact which can be used when enemy didnt place his/her AD well. With this understanding, you should also avoiding placing your AD close together. Plus, understanding this also important for ground attacker to determine which walls will break when using 4EQ. Since EQ impact on 8 tiles diameter, it is possible to break 3 layers of walls!


  1. Would you be able to hit the two ADs across (diagonally) the town hall from each other?
