Sunday 20 March 2016

Living as Witch Doctor Part 2

Part 2 (Introduction to Clash of Clans)
The one did manage to get me involve in this game is my roommates during my stay at Shah Alam. They actually my brother's friends. To be honest, I playing COC without any help from them. I meant they didn't teach me how to play at the beginning. This is the reasons, I made may unusual game play such as not attacking other villages for few days as you get few days shield when starting the game. I also have no upgrade strategy. I upgrade randomly for these few days. During attack, I try most troops and end up liking the Balloon. I use Balloon as my main troops. Then, I shift into Giant base attack. Typically a bunch of Giant backup with Healer. So, I use 4 type of troops which are Giant, Wall Breaker, Healer and Archer. How do I ended up with this strategy? Because my village got sacked by this Giant + Healer any single time.

In term of clan, I did not join any of my friend's clan. I probably too ego to receive any help from them or to join one clan due to personal connection. I want to build my village myself, also building connection with other players. So, I jump one clan to another. Non can I recalled. Finally I join my roommates clan called Malaysian Fire. Maybe because they want me so badly there. I am pretty sure my ego too high to concede my first philosophy of not joining friend's clan. Anyhow I stay there for few months. This is when clan war was introduced. I able to felt the excitement of this big changes. My war attack however is so bad as I have no real strategy and feeling how to play this game. I still using Giant+Healer strategy like I use during normal attack. Somehow, my mirror enemy is so hard to be beaten. I am losing war attack so much and losing elixir too that I don't want to war anymore. I even ask my roommate to attack for me. Then, come a big shift as he show me replay how our clanmates attack using Dragon. You see, I don't have feeling how to play this game that I don't bother to watch replays. That replay change everything as I now moving into Dragon strategy for war. Still, I need to wait few days as I don't unlock Dragon yet.

This is important step as winning cause me to experiencing and enjoying this game. Still, Dragon need so much elixir that my looting is not enough. I felt that I have no hope in this game. Then, the same roommate show me how he is farming. Only few archer per mine or collector. If you obtain more elixir than what it cost you, then you should do it. Both knowledge I learn from him are vital as I am now considered myself as farming expert. Thats why I can have many TH10 accounts because I know how to farm. Point here, two techniques (farming and Dragon attack) change who I am. The same should happen to you. Dont give up if you think this game is not for you. Why everybody else better than you? Why that person can perform attack better than me? How I gonna find enough gold or elixir to upgrade building that cost 5M and above? These kind of questions are normal and should happen once in the course of becoming good player. Just ask, learn and practice. Try first before you judge. When people give tips and you think it is not good, remind yourself that it is not waste to try.

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