Thursday 17 March 2016

WitchDoctor910: Day 12 (No Clan Castle Upgrade at TH5)

Today is Day 12. I meant the real Day 12. After Laboratory Level 3 completed, finally I can upgrade Goblin Level 3. It took 2 days. Then I upgrading Gold Storage Level 9 so that I can have at least 800K gold to upgrade Clan Castle Level 3. When I have enough gold, I realize that I cant upgrade Clan Castle yet. Damn! I should check this first. But no worry as there is no harm done as upgrading Gold Storage is always the right thing to do. So, i decide to upgrading all my defenses and Army Camp. Then I build Spell Factory and upgrading Barrack Level 8. I say why not. I dont need to farm right now. Lets get those Wizard first. Importantly, my Barrack will be ready for next important upgrade; the Dragon Barrack..

Beside upgrading Defenses, Army Camp and Barrack, I also change black rock wall into gold solid wall. Not all of them, but enough to satisfy myself that I did something to improve my wall. Today is a good day. Farming is not that difficult. My defense also good. At my level, my defense is solid enough.

I am leaving Empire Warrior as there is no real progress. Clan is small with only 13 members. Not much activities. So I decide to jump inside new clan. Not found yet but I am pretty sure it will not take much time or effort.

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