Tuesday 15 March 2016

WitchDoctor910: Day 7 (Success in TH5)

In term of upgrades, I only upgrade my 2nd Army Camp Level 3, 1st Gold Storage Level 7, 2nd Gold Storage Level 7 and further upgrade 1st Gold Storage Level 8. I also upgrade my Wall Breaker Level 2.

For war against Indo Plus New, my opponent would be #38; the strongest TH4. It have Mortar Level 2, 2 Archer Tower Level 4, 2 Canon Level 5 and 1 Air Defense Level 1 although its Clan Castle is not Level 2. Regardless, I consider #38 as high TH4 and suitable for me.

My strategy would be using Balloon Level 6 inside CC as main firearm. Scouting the base, the danger lays on 2 Archer Tower and Air Defense. So, I will be using few Balloons to distract a bit and let Balloon CC to destroy these defenses. So my plan works. I drop archer to lure CC troops and kill them. Then, I drop Giants to distract Archer Tower and 5 Balloon I made to distract Air Defense. This save my Balloon CC and cleared up the base. Mission accomplished!

For my 2nd attack, I pick #37; mid TH5. I don’t check what TH5 capable of but I can see additional Wizard Tower and Archer Tower. This will increase its air defense number by 67%. As my previous attack is overkill. I think I should be able to 3 Stars #35 using the similar strategy. So, kill CC troops, distract with Giants and Balloon and drop Balloon CC to clear this base. I wonder if TH5 have Air Bomb and if it can make difference. Anyhow, today war is a success.

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