Thursday 17 March 2016

WitchDoctor910: Day 11 (New Day)

At 12:03PM, my TH5 completed. I straight away upgrade Laboratory Level 3. When I have unemployed Builder, I build most available buildings like Army Camp, Canon, Bomb, Air Bomb, Elixir Collector, Gold Mine and Wizard Tower. So, TH5 bring new offensive and defensive all together. Supposedly I should build Spell Factory to unlock as this is my Mission 2. However I decide not to as I have my eye on Clan Castle Level 3. So, I must upgrade both my Gold Storages. Beside, Spell Factory took 1 day which I could use to upgrade many under level buildings. This will strengthen my village tremendously.

Today also I decide 1 important step. I will leaving CS in searching for new journey. Fresh journey with new challenges and experiences. This is how I am. I cant stay long in one clan. Its getting boring. Plus, I dont want WitchDoctor910 have many advantages as it got in CS. Like ordinary rookie, I should go outside and meet someone and somewhat new clan. In new clan I will be junior and newbie. So, I should behave like one.

Since I already in war, I will attack fast before leaving. Although I am TH5, technically I am still TH4. But troops should be able to handle TH4. As for TH5, I am so sure. Last time I 3 star TH5 because it was not max TH5. The different is now I know TH5 got 2 Air Bombs and 2 Bombs. Base on this new intel however, I still think air attack will be most reliable attack at lower TH. So, I will proceed with Balloon on TH5 #35. #35 have strong defenses with mostly max buildings. So, my real concern is Air Defense Level 3 and 3 Archer Tower Level 6. Without having real experience with Wizard Tower Level 2, I dont know how my Balloon can take it. So, the techniques are similar. First, lure and kill CC troops. Then, I dropped all my Balloons including Balloon CC. They all doing pretty good job clearing defenses. However moving towards the third Archer Tower, they slowly degraded and then were hit by Air Bomb. All my air forces destroyed. So, no star for me.

For second attack I choose TH5 #37. Technically this is TH4 like myself. I used the same strategy like #35 and manage to get 3 stars. I think because critical building like Archer Tower and Air Defense are not max. I also did not trigger any Air Bomb. So, thats pretty much about it.

Immediately after, I leave CS and searching on Global. I ended up in clan name EMPIRE WARRIOR, a level 4 Clan. There is nothing special about this clan, I just felt to join with no particular reason. Its a new day.


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